With Hamilton’s new kerbside rubbish and recycling service kicking off from 31 August 2020 – Hamilton City Council has come up with a fun game to show you how to use the bins properly.
To help residents settle into using the new service of three recycling bins, the Council has created an interactive game: ‘Are you a recycling champion?’
The game, which can be played on a mobile phone or computer, will show you what items can and can’t go into each type of bin.

Similar to another popular online game, Candy Crush Saga, the Council’s ‘Are You a Recycling Champion?’ has three levels. Each level encourages players to mix and match items to fill each bin.
Every fortnight the game’s reigning recycling champion will be sent a prize as a congratulations.
Councillor Angela O’Leary, Chair of the Infrastructure Operations Committee, says the game is an engaging way to make recycling fun and can be played by all ages.
“It’s a great way to familiarise people with what goes in each bin, while also adding a bit of healthy competition into the mix. By thinking differently, we’ve been able to provide our community with a modern way to help simplify the new service.

“You could say it will literally give people a chance to have their finger on the button in helping Council achieve its key waste reduction targets within four years,” says O’Leary.
“We’re aiming for a 25% decrease in the per capita kerbside rubbish to landfill; and a 50% increase in the per capita kerbside recycling.
“By working together – and having some fun along the way – we hope to divert more than 100,000 tonnes of anticipated waste from landfill in the next 10 years.”
City Waters Manager Maire Porter saysAre You a Recycling Champion? can also help improve the health and safety of workers collecting the bins – one of the Council’s top priorities.
“When non-recyclable items (such as broken glass) are put in the wrong bin, it can increase the chances of injury during the sorting process.
“By playing the game, we hope Hamiltonians will become more confident in how to use their new bins once the new service kicks off – and become recycling champions.” says Porter.
As part of the new service, the Council is introducing three new bins to help make it easier for you to recycle more – and therefore send less to landfill. The bins include a yellow mixed recycling wheelie bin, a red rubbish wheelie bin and a lockable green food scraps bin. Your existing green recycling crate will be used for glass only.
If you have got what it takes then get your finger on the button at fightthelandfill.co.nz.