18 February 2025

Bowel cancer: If you’re not worried, you should be, warns a GP

By: Dr. Mandeep Kang

Sometimes back, a patient came to consult me complaining of weight loss and overall feeling of laziness. The patient previously had a brief history of unexplained abdominal pains.

As a clinician these symptoms raised some ‘red flags’ and my suspicions of a bowel cancer were subsequently confirmed by further investigations, including a CT Colonoscopy test. Thankfully, the patient is on way to full recovery now.

Dr Mandeep Kang

Dr Mandeep Kang is a GP & urgent care physician in Hamilton. Dr Kang (MD; FRNZCGP; RNZCUC; Dip. in Skin Cancer Medicine, Skin Cancer Surgery, Sports Medicine –IOC & Football Medicine-FIFA, etc), is multi-linguist.

New Zealand has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer- also known as colon, rectal or colorectal cancer. According to Bowel Cancer New Zealand, every day, around 3 Kiwis die from bowel cancer, 3000 new cases are diagnosed every year and it is the second highest cause of cancer deaths- around 1200 every year.

Usually there are no noticeable symptoms in early stages of bowel cancer. This could mean any of us with a family history of bowel cancer and/or unexplained symptoms, could be suffering with this deadly disease, without realizing it.

More than a quarter (26%) of bowel cancers are diagnosed late and, hence, result in poorer outcomes.

While majority (two-thirds) cases of this cancer are diagnosed in people aged 65 years and above, this can affect people across the age spectrums. Recent stats show that 1 in 10 New Zealanders under the age of 50 are being diagnosed with this cancer. I have had patients as young as 30 years who have been diagnosed with bowel cancer.

Symptoms of bowel cancer

There is no specific symptom of bowel cancer as there can be an overlap of symptoms with less serious bowel conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances and inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease).

Bowel cancer is cause of approx. 1200 deaths every year

However, some of the “Red Flags” that can make me, as a clinician, suspicious of bowel cancer include:

  • Presence of dark blood mixed with the faeces can be indication of cancer of the bowel. Presence of bright red blood either on toilet paper or separate from the faeces is usually caused by piles, fissures or polyps.
  • Change in bowel habits, with at least a six-week history of loose and frequent bowel motions with progressively worsening of symptoms over time
  • Unexplained weight loss with fatigue and lethargy
  • Night sweats and fever, and
  • Persistent abdominal pain with recurrent presentations to the primary care or emergency setting.

What would a GP normally do in such situations?

A comprehensive history of your symptoms – duration, intensity, frequency, etc along with a family history of bowel problems and cancers will help the GP understand and diagnose better.Read More...

Editor’s Disclaimer: The above article is for information purposes only & is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional for any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

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