The Government will be soon able to decide whether a community drinking water supply should be fluoridated to protect more New Zealanders from the pain and cost of tooth decay and poor oral health.
The Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill was passed by Parliament and the Director-General of Health will be the deciding authority.
“Tooth decay is a common problem in New Zealand but is largely preventable. In 2019, 6270 children under 14 years old had to have operations or other hospital treatments because of tooth decay or associated infections. Children who are still in nappies are having their teeth removed while under anaesthetic,” Associate Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall said.
“Fluoridating our drinking water is widely recognised as one of the most important measures to improve oral health, because it acts like a constant repair kit – fixing the effect of acids that cause decay, ” Ayesha Verrall said.
Currently 2.3 million people, just under half of New Zealand’s population, have access to fluoridated drinking water. More than 60 years of international and local studies show children and adults living in areas with water fluoridation experience significantly lower rates of tooth decay than those living in non-fluoridated areas.
When making decisions from next year on whether to fluoridate water supplies, the Director-General of Health will take into account scientific evidence, cost-effectiveness, and local oral health outcomes.
Private water supplies will not be required to be fluoridated.