18 February 2025

Changes to kerbside yellow-lidded recycling bins effective from today

Changes announced earlier to kerbside yellow-lidded recycling bins have been implemented from today, 1 February.

Hamilton City Council is, therefore, advising residents to only put the permitted items in yellow-lidded bins as plastics 3, 4, 6 and 7 will no longer be collected.

Examples of what you can recycle:  

  • soft drink, juice, water, and milk bottles (usually made from plastics # 1) 
  • bathroom and laundry product bottles (usually made from plastics # 2)  
  • large yoghurt and ice cream tubs, margarine/butter tubs (usually made from plastics # 5)  
  • some pharmaceutical, cosmetics, sauce, and refillable bottles (usually made from plastics # 5)
  • fruit punnets and meat trays (usually made from plastics numbered 1)  
  • paper and cardboard including pizza boxes (food scraps removed), and
  • clean drink cans and food tins  

Lids are too small to be recycled successfully. However, if they’re joined to container bottoms (such as some cherry tomato containers), they can be left open in the recycling bin.  


Steel-can lids that are still attached can also be recycled. If the lid is not attached, it must be securely enclosed inside the can with the top of the can squeezed shut. 

Containers must be empty and rinsed if they’re dirty. 

Examples of what you can’t recycle:  

  • tissues and paper towels   
  • takeaway coffee cups, drink cartons, shiny gift wrap   
  • soft plastics (any plastics that can be scrunched into a ball)
  • compostable packaging and containers
  • nappies and sanitary products 
  • fabric and clothing, and
  • aerosols, pots, pans, and foil (and items you normally find in a garage or garden that contain chemicals).

These changes are part of the Government’s move to standardise kerbside recycling across New Zealand from 1 February 2024, led by the Ministry for the Environment.  

Also read: https://www.newsviews.co.nz/change-is-coming-to-kerbside-plastic-recycling-from-1-february/

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