Hamilton City Council is looking to sell a prime block of land adjoining Rototuna Village for housing. The site is located close to Te Kete Aronui Rototuna Library, village shops, Rototuna High Schools and Korikori Park.
Elected Members today (30 May) agreed by majority to investigate the sale of this Council-owned block of land and call for expressions of interest. If a buyer is found, sale proceeds will be used to pay off debt as per Council’s current policy.
The 8470m2 undeveloped site on Korikori Green, is across from Te Kete Aronui Rototuna Library and playing fields in the north-west, and Hamilton Christian School to the south-east.
Market feedback suggests between 70 – 100 homes could be built across the site.
The section is part of a much larger block of land Council purchased in 2008 to develop community facilities in Rototuna.
Councillor Ewan Wilson, who chairs the Economic Development Committee, said the rectangle- shaped block is a special site at the centre of a vibrant community.
“We bought land in Rototuna at the right time, used a portion of the land for critical community infrastructure – such as the library – and supplied the land with services that were needed to achieve its full development potential. Now we can sell the balance of the land.
“Through our investment in Rototuna, we’ve helped create a thriving community. Now, we’re fulfilling our vision of having more housing in the area, some of which will be affordable housing, and at the same time capture the value uplift in the land.” Wilson said.