22 January 2025

Council receiving a range of community views on the new waters entity

With the Hamilton Council’s consultation submission date entering the final week, interim data received indicates Hamilton’s community is split on Government’s Three Waters Reform.

Hamilton Mayor Paula Southgate says the range of community views shows how important it is for people to have their say, and provide views which will help shape Council’s submission, and identify areas to focus on.

“I’m pleased people are responding, and early indications are that are we are getting a range of views which highlight the complexity and scale of the reform proposals. This feedback will be used to inform our feedback to central government,” she says.

Council has been seeking community views as it develops its own submission on draft reform legislation to Parliament’s Finance and Expenditure Committee.

Three Waters Reforms
Council’s consultation is open until 7 July

Council’s consultation process includes a targeted demographically representative survey, with interim results from that survey earlier this week indicating an almost 50/50 split between those who view the reform positively and those who see it as a negative.

An assessment of the first 330 responses showed respondents are more likely to agree the reform would lead to better environmental outcomes, but are polarised on whether the reform will lead to better drinking water quality or greater investment for growth and/or housing.

Respondents perceive that the reform has more benefits nationally, rather than locally for Hamilton.

In the initial assessment, community views on proposed governance for the new waters entity is even more uncertain, with 4 in 10 respondents unable to give an opinion or don’t have a view on the structures. Of those who did give a view, opinion is evenly split between t

Council’s consultation is open until 7 July. People who want to help shape Council’s view on the reform legislation can read the consultation material and make an online submission at hamilton.govt.nz/shareyourvoice.

Council has summarised key elements of the reform, with details of previous Council submissions and links to detailed Government information on its website at hamilton.govt.nz.

Also read: www.newsviews.co.nz/three-waters-reforms-council-seeks-community-feedback-as-consultation-opens/


4 thoughts on “Council receiving a range of community views on the new waters entity

  1. Elected councillors represent community, and are trusted to take decisions that is good for local people. So,just do your job

  2. Agreed. It’s complex, there are pages and pages of info to read, understand first, and by time u fill up first part, click ‘continue’ and there is heaps more…cant be bothered

  3. Frustrated. Have tried a few time, but its not easy to voice opinion by the looks of it- so giving up:)

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