Hamilton City Council is seeking expressions of interest for the purchase of a prime greenfield site in Rototuna North known as Area Q.
The 8,470m² site is positioned at the heart of the community, with exceptional amenities within the immediate area.
The property is located on the southern side of Korikori Road, in the heart of the Rototuna North neighbourhood. The premium site is surrounded by a high level of amenity, with Kinfields Village, Fergus Bar and Restaurant, Woolworths, Te Kete Aronui Library, Rototuna High School, Hamilton Christian School, and Korikori Park all within 500m.
In May, the Council earmarked this site for housing development, and is now looking to hear from developers who want to help unlock the full potential of the site, delivering housing at scale while contributing positively to the surrounding environment.
The section is part of a much larger block of land Council purchased in 2008 to develop community facilities in Rototuna. Proceeds from the sale of the site will be used to pay off Council debt.
Council’s objective is to “unlock the full potential of the site, deliver much needed housing, and enhance the surrounding environment.”
The large site has attractive dimensions, existing roading and waters infrastructure in place. Early market feedback indicates 50 – 100 medium to high density homes could be built, and Council is keen to see expressions of interest with an element of affordable housing.
“This is all part of Council’s strategic plan to get the best value for the city, at a time that ratepayers are really squeezed” said Mayor Paula Southgate.
“I hope to see developers coming up with a range of proposals for market price and affordable housing options, to support the vibrant and growing Rototuna North community.
“It’s so fantastic to see residents making the most of Rototuna Village and Te Kete Aronui Rototuna Library, which has seen record visitation since it opened.”
Economic Development Committee Chair Ewan Wilson said “this is a result of long-term planning to ensure cost-effective growth and great outcomes for the Rototuna community.”
Expressions of interest are open until 28 August. Parties will then be shortlisted and sent a request for proposal.
Also Read: https://www.newsviews.co.nz/council-owned-prime-land-in-rototuna-to-be-sold-for-housing/