23 January 2025

Gordonton Path completion opens up Mangaiti Gully

The Gordonton Path which links Wairere Drive to Thomas Road in Rototuna and opens up the Mangaiti Gully, has been completed and opened today.

The path offers a safer route for people on foot and bikes through a new route parallel to Gordonton Road in the north of the city.

It is not far now for Mangaiti Park to turn “from hay paddock to one of Kirikiriroa’s busiest parks”.

Hamilton City Mayor Paula Southgate said the path improves safety, opens up the Mangaiti Gully, and connects the Huntington and St James communities.

“We want Hamilton to be a city that’s easy to live in, explore and connect. By investing in projects like this we’re helping to create a liveable city that provides safe transport choices for families. I think that’s really important, and I can’t wait to see it being used and enjoyed.”

Cycle path

Supporting the project and the strong sense of community it empowers, Community Committee Chair Councillor, Mark Bunting says “This path has been a long time coming and I’m thrilled to see it finally open. It’s this kind of lovely, off road facility that Hamilton residents deserve. Separated, smooth and safe.

“I’ve had so much feedback from people in the northeast who are thrilled that they can now ride off the road nearly all the way from the Base to the Hamilton Gardens. And now Mangaiti Park has gone from being a hay paddock to one of Kirikiriroa’s busiest parks.”

Along with improving the wellbeing of Hamiltonians, the project aligns with Council’s Transport Strategy and the Hamilton Biking Plan.

The main mode of transport in Hamilton is private vehicles, with around 90% of journeys to work being by car. Hamilton City Council’s transport vision is a move to more active modes of transport, such as walking, cycling and scootering.

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