13 November 2024

Hamilton growing 30% faster than national average

More people now want to live, work & do business here

Hamilton’s population is growing at a rate more than 30% faster than the New Zealand average, supporting economic growth and heightened construction activity.

Population data released yesterday by Stats NZ shows the city’s population to June this year is estimated at 169,500, an increase of around 3600 people from the same time in 2018. The city’s population grew 2.2%, against a national average of 1.6%.

Hamilton Map
Hamilton is growing (Map courtesy: Google)

Hamilton’s economic growth continued to improve in the year to June 2019, with its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up 2.6% on the year earlier, continuing a trend of beating the national average. Provisional GDP for the city was $8,210 million.

Hamilton’s growth underpins strong regional growth – the Waikato (2.1%) was second among five regions with population growth at a greater rate than the NZ average.

Hamilton had the ninth-highest growth in residential consents lodged over the June 2019 year. Residential consents were 36% higher over the June 2019 year, with 397 consents in the last quarter alone – significantly higher than the 10-year average of 244 consents.

The Stats NZ data also shows Hamilton remains the youngest of New Zealand’s 67 territorial authorities by median age, with an average age of 32.3 years. Near neighbours Thames-Coromandel District has the highest median age at 54 years.


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