22 January 2025

Opinion: Believer in action, not politics

Focus is on results & action: Andrew King

Mayor Andrew King
Mayor Andrew King, seeking re-election

Brief Profile: Elected as a Hamilton City Councillor in 2013 & Mayor in 2016, Mayor Andrew King is relying on his first term ‘achievements’ including ‘effective leadership’ that resulted in council ‘spending less than what we earn’, bringing rates to ‘lowest third in NZ’, ‘new subdivisions underway’, ‘expanding Hamilton Gardens’, ‘free buses for our children/those with disabilities’ etc. His vision includes ‘expanding city’s boundary & Airport; no water meters & less red tape.’ He believes his prior experience of running a business & overcoming substantial setbacks, are his valuable asset. With a focus on ‘action, not politics’, Andrew King is aspiring to be re-elected as Mayor (NewsViews).

By Andrew King:

I was elected as a Hamilton City Councillor in 2013 and became Mayor in 2016. I am standing to be re-elected as Mayor of Hamilton.

Hamilton has been good to me and my family. I live in the city’s central business district with my wife, Anne and we both attend Gateway Church.  Anne and I have three children. My children have grown up and finished all their schooling and tertiary training here. I believe the people here are straight forward and honest and I enjoy living in Hamilton.

Other than a three-year OE in England, I have lived in Hamilton since I was 13.

I believe my experience running a business at the coal face, where I’ve had to go against the grain at times and make hard and fast decisions, is a valuable asset to our city.

Mayor Andrew King, who is seeking re-election presents his achievements & vision in “Know your Mayoral candidates” series exclusively initiated by NewsViews to help you – the voters, know them better.

Over the course of my career, I have learned how to work hard, navigate changing economic landscapes and overcome some fairly substantial setbacks.

I’ve learnt some hard lessons with my own money during my years in business and I believe I can use that experience to help our city grow.

My tenure as Mayor has been satisfying and fruitful. I believe in actions, results, not politics.

I led a largely unified council resulting in major gains for the city and its residents. Things that have been talked about or promised for decades were achieved.

Under my leadership, Hamilton’s books are now in order and the city is on a sustainable financial footing. It would have been easy to be a Mayor who holds down rates increases by letting our assets run down. I won’t defer maintenance of our assets, and we did not.

I have worked with central governments to secure positive outcomes for Hamilton, including $240 million in benefits, which doesn’t have to be paid back. This hasn’t happened in Hamilton in recent history.

Hamilton has grown in line with our potential. The policy of “Growth Pays for Growth” has been adopted. 

As your Mayor, we have built new playgrounds, started a Land’s Trust assisting those struggling with home ownership.

What I stand for & my vision is:

*No water meters

*No more pokies

*Proper rubbish recycling

*Growth of the city & better city planning – expand city’s boundary

*Open up central Hamilton to the Waikato River

*Review & reduce red-tape to make it easier to do business

*Take congestion off our roads by providing free buses

*Expand Hamilton airport with international capacity

More is yet to be achieved. Thank you for supporting me to help govern our city, Hamilton.

Andrew King, Mayoral candidate

andrew@andrewking.nz , https://www.facebook.com/AndrewKingNZ/

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this column, ViewPoint are the personal opinions of the writer, and do not reflect the views of NewsViews nor does it ascribe to these in any manner.  

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