18 February 2025

Opinion: What do you give a damn about?

Give a damn about issues that impact us: Durning

William Durning
William Durning, candidate for WRC

Brief profile: William Durning, a local business owner/company director of INZ is asking Hamilton voters to ‘give a damn’ about elections/issues that impact us all ‘not only for today but for generations to come’. Having completed a ‘successful turnaround’ of the Waikato Chamber of Commerce, he has now put his hand up for Councillor of the Waikato Regional Council. He believes his strength lies in his three decades of ‘commercial and governance roles’ in areas of ‘aviation, tourism,construction sector & a range of community-focused not-for-profit organisations.’ Durning is passionate about maintaining quality of water, building stopbanks, & is seeking more support for Surf Life Saving NZ, partners of WRC (NewsViews).

By William Durning:

There isn’t a day that goes by at present where we are informed about the importance of voting in next month’s local government elections.  Hamilton has accepted the challenge from Auckland and they, in turn, have challenged Nelson to see who can increase their voter numbers the most.

But in all this noise, there is another election which also needs you to make a choice – It’s the Waikato Regional Council.  But why should you give a damn about that election?

Here are some things that I give a damn about, maybe you might agree with me of their importance.

We know that without water we can’t live – it’s that simple.  New Zealand’s most valuable freshwater resource/asset is Lake Taupō and the Waikato River.  The Waikato Regional Council is responsible not just to the people of Hamilton/Kirikiriroa, or those who live in the Waikato region but to the majority of people that live in Aotearoa/New Zealand.  They need to ensure that this water is readily available and fit to be used regardless of the reason; cultural, recreational, power generation or just simply for drinking.

At some point in our lives, we will move to where there is work or the promise of work.  Having a robust and resilient economy with good jobs is the primary way that we attract talent or retain our people.  The Waikato Regional Council has over 600 kilometres of stopbanks and associated flood systems. It’s their job to build and maintain them, together with their partners and stakeholders.  Those stopbanks protect 3000 km2 of Waikato land, an area larger in size than the island Republic of Mauritius!  That area generates every year 2.2 billion, that is 2.2 thousand million dollars of economic activity creating and protecting jobs that benefit us all.

Our nation is surrounded by sea and our love of the sea and spending time in it is a bastion of the kiwi summer experience.  Surf Life Saving New Zealand is a crucial partner to the Waikato Regional Council, the work they do benefits us in many ways.  They play their part keeping our beaches clean, they develop our future leaders through community service as lifeguards, but most importantly of all they SAVE LIVES and just how much value do you place on that?

Right now, in your letterbox is a voting pack, not just for the city of Hamilton but also for the Waikato Regional Council.  I’m asking you to give a damn about issues that impact on us all, not only for today but for generations to come.  I’m asking you to look carefully and choose a better future by voting for Regional Councillors who want the same.

William Durning, Candidate for WRC from Hamilton constituency

www.williamdurning.co.nz , https://www.facebook.com/William.Durning.nz 

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this column, ViewPoint are the personal opinions of the writer, and do not reflect the views of NewsViews nor does it ascribe to these in any manner.  

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