The number of visitor arrivals from India reached a record high of 70,100 in the August 2023 year helping New Zealand travel rebound.
India is the fifth largest source of overseas visitors to New Zealand, behind Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and China, according to data released by Stats NZ today.
“About 6 in 10 visitor arrivals from India came to visit friends and relatives in the August 2023 year, compared with 3 in 10 in 2003,” Population Indicators Manager, Tehseen Islam said.
“This mirrors the growing Indian population living in New Zealand and connections with India.”
As per 2018 census, the number of people who identify with the Indian ethnic group were 239,193, with median age of 30 years.
India’s ranking as a source of visitors has progressively risen from 19th in 2003, 10th in 2013, and 9th in 2019.
Overall, there were 206,800 overseas visitor arrivals in August 2023, or 82 percent of the pre-COVID-19 level in August 2019. By comparison, overseas visitor arrivals in August 2022 were 129,800, or 52 percent of the August 2019 level.
About 14,000 more overseas visitors arrived from the United States in July and August 2023, compared with July-August 2019, coinciding with the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 hosted by New Zealand and Australia.