Brief profile:James Casson is seeking another term as “three years is not enough to get the job done” & is also a Mayorol contender. He is keen to change ‘public’s perception’ of Council with more diversity. Motivated to address city’s safety issues, Casson is actively involved with Neighbourhood Support & is spearheading reopening of Flagstaff police station. He is keen to regenerate CBD, but is against frivolous spending & regional fuel tax. He wants to cut red tape to support small business & favours rates control surety. James Casson wants Council to ‘go back to the basics to do what residents expect of us’ & ‘live within means.‘ (NewsViews)
By James Casson:

Being a first term councillor, it has been a challenging three years. I am very proud of the following achievements I have actively taken part in:
*Redevelopment of Thomas/Gordonton intersection & lowering of speed limit to 60 along Gordonton to save lives.
*Development & start of work for Rototuna Village on North City Road.
*Development & start of work for Rototuna Village on North City Road.
*The improving of numerous roads/footpaths throughout the city.
*Far better interaction & cooperation between council & Police to help make city safer & working together to find solutions, incl. holding several Community Crime meetings.
*Funding/training of 5 extra CitySafe officers to actively patrol suburbs during weekends to discourage begging/anti-social behaviour.
*Preventing Garden Pl. from being redeveloped, saving $3m of rates money.
*Main supporter of Kaute Pacifica & established their new premises.
*Establishment of new playgrounds.
*Dealing face to face with community in regards to assorted concerns.
*Personally funding $5000 each for Waikato Breast Cancer Trust for research, & Children’s Ward at Waikato Hospital for specialist equipment.
If I am elected as either the Mayor or as a City Councillor, I’ll fight to implement the following Polices:
*Back to basics: HCC to do what residents expect of us- Rubbish collected, roads/footpaths kept to a safe & usable standard, deal efficiently with waste water/sewerage, look after City assets, & ensure safe/healthy water supply.
*No more frivolous spending & end to vanity projects.
“Know your Mayoral candidates”: James Casson is the third Mayoral contender to present his views in this series initiated by NewsViews to help you – the voters, know them better. Paula Southgate will be the next to voice her policies here. So, watch the space!
*Sell buildings on Victoria St. earmarked for city park purchased for $3 m over valuation, & use that money ($7m) on other projects to benefit the city (playground upgrades & even look into developing a path on eastern side of the river from the Gunboat north) to enable a circuit of the Waikato River by public on foot & bike, fully utilising our biggest asset.
*Source alternative funding sources. This can be looked into through working together with other Councils, Government, Developers and Business experts.
*Rates control surety: Residents & developers are maxed out & it is not sustainable or fair to continue with these sole sources of city income.
*Working with Police, City Safe, etc to reduce crime & victimisation.
*Encourage developers to implement CPTED concepts in new subdivisions.
*Work closely with both Government and Non-Government organisations to assist our less fortunate into accommodation & care for their needs.
*Greater care and dialogue for our elderly community.
*Advocate for no Regional Fuel Tax.
*Assistance for Small Business: They make up approx. 97% of all enterprises, employ 29% of all employees & contribute hugely to Hamilton’s economy.
*Restrictions on Small Business have to be looked at locally in regards to compliance issues, Council Regulations, etc where red tape is impacting on daily operation. Council should work with them instead of against.
James Casson, Hamilton City Councillor (East Ward)
Mob:027 8085173,, /jamescassonHCCouncil/

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this column, ViewPoint are the personal opinions of the writer, and do not reflect the views of NewsViews nor does it ascribe to these. NewsViews and/or persons associated with it, also do not assume any responsibility or liability, if any, arising out of the views expressed here by the writer. ViewPoint is by invitation only opinion column.
His rejection of the accepted science of climate change, and its critical importance as an issue, is troubling. It indicates an ignorance that should have no place leading our City.
That’s “His”, not “Hi”. Apologies for typo.
Sorry but. A bunch of vague and populist comments rather than policies. Hardly touching the tip of the iceberg. This from a candidate that is racist and anti-environmental. Goes against the grain in that the two comments I make appear to make the candidate’s issues somewhat oxymoronic.
Debate is always welcome & is a positive sign in a democracy- as long as it stays healthy & does not cross the line of being offensive or derogatory.